“On the Move with Codipro USA”
If you follow our LinkedIn page or have visited our www.codipro-usa.com website lately, you’ve seen that we’ve been busy. We’re “On the Move” and want to show you how we work hand and hand with our Distributors and the End Users of our Codipro Hoist Rings. We’re accessible and want to get out and work with you. Since our inception we’ve always sold thru distribution, but we do work directly with End Users. Our goal is to show that we are all over the country working, and the various industries that we serve. Sitting behind a desk selling isn’t our style. We prefer to be on the road, face to face, meeting our Distributors and End Users. Plus, when you see and touch a Codipro Hoist Ring you get a better understanding of the Quality, Craftsmanship, and Safety that we offer. Seeing the applications, the plants that they’re used in, and identifying what someone is currently using to lift helps us to offer a solution that may be safter and better suited to their need. We’ve always been a hands on, blue collar style company. When you get your hands dirty vs sitting in an office, it also adds the personal angle and build the relationships that we as a company value. Whether you buy 1 Hoist Ring or 1000 Hoist Rings, we treat you with the same respect, and value each customer. So if you’d like us to get “On the Move” to your company or Distributor, just reach out to us, because, changes are, we’ll be “On the Move” near you soon! Hope to connect and work with you to satisfy your customers, as well as grow Codipro-USA.