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Codipro On The Move in New York

Hanes Supply

We visited a large Mold shop in NY.  Background, I was asked to come up to discuss Codipro and potentially switching all Hoist Rings to Codipro.  When I arrived, the plant manager mentioned that his current hoist rings had clips on the bottom.  While making a lift, the plant manager was standing nearby, the clip came loose, and a part of the Hoist Ring hit him in the glasses/head.  He said from a safety standpoint, the fact that Codipro has no clips on the bottom and don’t come apart make it a safer option.  We’re in the process of helping them switch out all of their Hoist Rings and moving them to Codipro

Why is NY important for Codipro USA?

New York Manufacturing Facts 

Manufacturers in New York account for 4.21% of the total output in the state, employing 4.60% of the workforce. Total output from manufacturing was $75.24 billion in 2021. In addition, there were an average of 419,000 manufacturing employees in New York in December 2021, with an average annual compensation of $87,190.97 in 2021.

New York Manufacturing  Output, in billion dollars, 2010-2021

Top 10 New York Manufacturing Sectors, in Million Dollars, 2021

Top 5 Export Markets New York

S for Safety, INC 25702 Aldine Westfield Rd. Suite 1201 – Spring, TX 77373 281-795-2608