
When you think of Codipro Hoist Rings, some key words come to mind, Quality, Availability, Affordability, Innovation, and now traceability through our Coditracer app. What is Coditracer?
CODITRACER is a traceability tool that ensures the traceability of the ring in each step of its way: in the production of the raw material, in the assembly of the ring, in its distribution and in its use.
Based on Blockchain technology it ensures you that when you buy a Codipro Hoist Ring, you’re getting a Codipro Hoist Ring. No fakes, no knock offs, you’re getting the real deal.
How does this work? If you visit www.codipro-usa.com, Click on the Coditracer tab, (There is a brief 3 minute animated video showing how this works also on the main screen.) enter the individual serial number from the hoist ring (250821 0016 ex: shown), hit enter. You’ll see the following:

On the left side you’ll see the Serial Number, the Type, the WLL at 4:1 and 5:1, and the Torque rating.
On the right side you’ll fine the Instruction manual, Technical Data sheet, Lift Angle Chart, Inspection guidelines, Certificate of Conformity, and any video’s that may be available for the Hoist Ring…all available for download.
It’s worth noting, aside from the online version, Coditracer is also available in App form thru the Apple App store or Google Play store. Having access to these documents at your fingertips whether on your phone or tablet is truly a gamechanger.
In the past, Codipro shipped each Hoist Ring in a plastic bag with Use Recommendations and a Certificate of Conformity. The bag and paperwork were often tossed away when the Hoist Ring would be put into service. With well over 100,000 Hoist Rings produced per year, going paperless is a huge environmental feat as well. In the past, lifts have been interrupted or postponed due to not having the paperwork needed to make a lift. With Coditracer, these documents can be accessed quickly and won’t hold up any lifts. Truly a gamechanger.
The other thing that Coditracer offers…..and no other Hoist Ring on the market does…..you can register for a 7 year manufacturers warranty on all standard Hoist Rings. Click on the Warranty//Authenticity Request and fill out the following:

**The warranty does not come automatically with each Hoist Ring, only when you register for the warranty through the Coditracer portal or app.
Coditracer is unique and comes at no added cost. Simply put in the serial number and have access to all this information at your fingertips. Just another item that solidifies Codipro as the Hoist Ring Experts. For more information about Coditracer or any product offered thru Codipro USA, please contact Jim 724-493-2755 jaujay@codipro-usa.com or Ben 281-795-2608 bcop@codipro-usa.com.